Dental Vista

Description: Dental vista is teledentistry application bridging the gap between dental clinic and the technology. This application provides echeckup and update the related dentist and the clinic periodically as dental treatment take many sitting to treat the patient. Not only there will be an option for virtual checkups and the availability of Chatbot but there is some innovation that provides flexibility to both patients and dentists. In DentalVista there will be an option for a scan and the picture of a mouth will be captured on screen for oral examination and by using the algorithm of Deep Learning i.e. CNN (Convolutional Neural Network). Automatically examine and analyse scan images to locate the problem and generates the examination report. Patients can send this report to the dentist also for further confirmation. This feature can be used in both online and physical consultations also.

Socio-Economic Benefits: The introduction of DentalVista, a teledentistry application integrating technology with dental care, is poised to have significant socio-economic impacts: Improved Accessibility: DentalVista breaks down geographical barriers by enabling remote consultations. Patients in rural or underserved areas can access dental care without the need for travel, leading to more equitable healthcare distribution. Cost Savings: By reducing the need for frequent in-person visits, DentalVista can lower transportation costs for patients. Moreover, early detection of dental issues through virtual checkups can prevent costly treatments down the line, benefiting both patients and healthcare systems. Time Efficiency: Patients can schedule appointments more flexibly, reducing time away from work or other commitments. Dentists can optimize their schedules, potentially increasing patient throughput and revenue generation. Enhanced Patient Engagement: The convenience of virtual consultations and the ability to track treatment progress through DentalVista’s periodic updates encourage greater patient engagement. This active involvement in their dental health may lead to better treatment adherence and outcomes. Empowerment through Information: By providing detailed examination reports generated by AI algorithms, DentalVista empowers patients with a deeper understanding of their oral health status. This knowledge can motivate proactive measures for preventive care, promoting overall well-being. Support for Dental Professionals: Dentists can leverage DentalVista to streamline their workflows, optimize resource allocation, and reach a broader patient base. The AI-powered analysis of scan images can assist dentists in making more accurate diagnoses and treatment plans, enhancing the quality of care delivered. Job Creation and Economic Growth: The development and adoption of DentalVista can stimulate job creation in the technology and healthcare sectors. Additionally, increased efficiency in dental care delivery can contribute to economic growth by freeing up resources for investment in other areas.

Category: AI in Healthcare

Department: Computer Science & Software Engineering