Description: The oral microbiome, a complex ecosystem of microorganisms inhabiting the human oral cavity, plays a critical role in oral health and overall well-being. This study focuses on comparison of efficacy of Chlorhexidine and the potential of probiotic metabolites to be used as an alternative agent to combat oral bacterial population.
The objective of the study will be to identify oral bacterial population including important pathogenic bacterial specie i.e Streptococcus mutans from dental plaque and to compare the efficacy of Probiotic metabolites with Chlorhexidine on the inhibition of these oral bacterial population. A prospective interventional study will be conducted involving a diverse cohort of individuals belonging to various age groups, genders, and socioeconomic backgrounds. After informed consent, Samples will be collected using sterile swab from patients having plaque index of 1-3. For the goal of identifying different oral bacterial species phenotypic identification and genotypic identification of Streptococcus mutans on v16S RNA sequencing will be performed. All specimens were suspended in nutrient broth and transferred to the lab in ice containers. Effect of probiotic metabolites on oral bacterial species will be compared through serial dilutions and well diffusion method. Optimization experiments will be run to check the MICs, of Chlorhexidine and probiotics under test. The data will be entered and analyzed on SPSS version 25.0.
Our findings will reveal the efficacy of Probiotic metabolites on growth of oral bacterial species isolated from dental plaque. It is expected that probiotic metabolites have inhibitory effect on growth of oral bacterial species and the antibacterial activity of Probiotic metabolites will be proficient as compare to Chlorhexidine.
This research reveals insights into the efficacy of probiotic metabolites, and its potential impact on oral well-being. It lays the groundwork for future research of individualized methods for oral healthcare in the context of probiotic use; hence play a role in enhancing oral health and overall quality of life.
Socio-Economic Benefits: There are major socio-economic benefits to determining how effective probiotic metabolites are at eliminating oral bacteria from dental plaque when compared to chlorhexidine. First off, providing a more economical option may lower healthcare expenses related to dental hygiene by preventing the disease.
It might also result in the creation of more reasonably priced, no side effects, and easily accessible dental care products, which would help people from all socioeconomic backgrounds.
Additionally, by fostering dental health via organic microbial processes, this study may improve public health generally, lessening the strain on healthcare institutions, and raising societal output.
Category: Probiotics – Gastrointestinal tract infection, Antioxidants, Cholesterol lowering drugs
Department: Microbiology