Course Name Duration
BS 4 Years
MS/M.phil 4 Years (Course work+ Research work)
PhD 8 Years (Course work+ Research work)


Course Code Course Category Course Title Credits
NCS (G)-1011 General Education Natural Science Ecology 3(2+1)
FNE (G)-1021 General Education Functional English Functional English 3(3+0)
QTR (G)-1011 General Education Quantitative Reasoning Applied Mathematics 3(3+0)
ZOO-1011 Major-1 Animal Diversity 4(3+1)*
CHM(I)-1011 Interdisciplinary Course Chemistry 3(2+1)
Total Credits 16


Course Code Course Category Course Title Credits
QTR (G)-1022 General Education Quantitative Reasoning Statistics 3(3+0)
EXR (G)-1012 General Education Expository Writing Expository Writing 3(3+0)
ICT (G) 1012 General Education Introduction to Communication Technology Application of Info & Communication Technology 3(2+1)
ZOO-1032 Major-2 Cell Biology and Genetics 4 (3+1)
BOT(I)-1152 Interdisciplinary Course  Plant Physiology 3(2+1)
Total Credits 16


Course Code Course Category Course Title Credits
ENT (G)-2011 General Education Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship 2(2+0)
CCE (G)-2011 General Education Civics and Community Engagement Civics and Community Engagement 2(2+0)
AHM (G)-2011 General Education Arts & Humanities Urdu 2(2+0)
ZOO-2261 Major-3 Animal Form & Function 4(3+1)*
ZOO-2081 Major-4 Economic Zoology 3(2+1)
ZOO-2141 Major-5 Environmental Biology 3(2+1)
BIO(I)-2011 Interdisciplinary Course Introductory Biochemistry 3(2+1)
Total Credits 19


Course Code Course Category Course Title Credits
SOC (G) -2012 General Education Social Science Psychology 2(2+0)
ICP (G)-2012 General Education Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan 2(2+0)
ISL (G)-2012 General Education Islamic Studies/Ethics Islamic Studies/Ethics 2(2+0)
ZOO-2062 Major-6 Developmental Biology 3(2+1)
ZOO-2052 Major-7 Animal Behavior and Live stock Management 3(2+1)
ZOO-2182 Major-8 Paleontology and Zoogeography 3(2+1)
MIC(I)-2062 Interdisciplinary Course  Fundamentals of Microbiology 3(2+1)
Total Credits 18


Course Code Course Category Course Title Credits
ZOO-3111 Major 9 Biological Techniques 3(2+1)
ZOO-3121 Major 10 Biostatistics 3(2+1)
ZOO-3131 Major 11 Wildlife and Geo Photography 4(3+1)
ZOO-3151 Major 12  Evolution and Principles of Systematic Zoology 3(2+1)
PET (I)-3011 Interdisciplinary Course Professional ethics 2(2+0)
Total Credits 15


Course Code Course Category Course Title Credits
ZOO-3172 Major 13 Research Methodology 3(2+1)
ZOO-3192 Major 14 Taxidermy and Animal Preservation  3(2+1)
ZOO-3222 Major 15 Public Health and Management 3(2+1)
ZOO-3162 Major 16 Molecular Biology 3(2+1)
LDM(I)-3012 Interdisciplinary Course Leadership Management 2(2+0)
Total Credits 14


Course Code Course Category Course Title Credits
ZOA-4231 Major-17 Bioinformatics 3(1+2)
ZOA-4241 Major-18 Morphology, Physiology and Ecology of Insects 3(2+1)
ZOA-4251 Elective-1 Clinical Parasitology 3(2+1)
ZOA-4261 Elective-2 Principle of Fish Biology 3(2+1)
ZOA-4271 Elective-3 Biological Oceanography 3(2+1)
INT-4011 Internship Internship 03
Total Credits 18


Course Code Course Category Course Title Credits
ZOA-4282 Major-19 Mangroves Ecology 3(2+1)
ZOA-4292 Major-20 Immunology, Hematology and Pathological Techniques 3(2+1)
ZOA-4302 Elective-4 Forest, Agriculture and Medical Entomology 3(2+1)
ZOA-4312 Elective-5 Freshwater Biology 3(2+1)
ZOA-4322 Elective-6 Veterinary Science 3(2+1)
CAP-4011 Capstone Project Project 03
Total Credits 18


Course Code Course Category Course Title Credit Hrs.
ZOM-4191 Major-17 Bioinformatics 3(2+1)
ZOM-4201 Major-18 Natural History of Marine Invertebrate – I 3(2+1)
ZOM -XXX Elective-1 Elective 1 3(2+1)
ZOM -XXX Elective-2 Elective 2 3(2+1)
ZOM -XXX Elective-3 Elective 3 3(2+1)
INT-4011 Internship Internship 03
Total Credit Hours 18

List of Elective Courses

Course Code Course Title Credit Hrs.
ZOM-4211 Anatomy and Morphotaxonomy of Fishes 3(2+1)
ZOM-4221 Biology of Fishes 3(2+1)
ZOM-4231 Physical Oceanography 3(2+1)
ZOM-4241 Planktonlogy 3(2+1)
ZOM-4251 Marine Vertebrate 3(2+1)


Course Code Course Category Course Title Credit Hrs.
ZOM-4262 Major-19 Natural History of Marine Invertebrate – II 3(2+1)
ZOM-4272 Major-20 Aquaculture 3(2+1)
ZOM-XXX Elective-4 Elective 4 3(2+1)
ZOM-XXX Elective-5 Elective 5 3(2+1)
ZOM-XXX Elective-6 Elective 6 3(2+1)
CAP-4011 Capstone Project Project 03
Total Credit Hours 18

List of Elective Courses

Course Code Course Title Credit Hrs.
ZOM-4282 Sea Food Processing 3(2+1)
ZOM-4292 Mangrove Ecology 3(2+1)
ZOM-4302 Climatology and Climate Change 3(2+1)
ZOM-4312 Fisheries Techniques, Resources and Management 3(2+1)
ZOM-4232 Chemical Oceanography 3(2+1)

Fisheries and Aquaculture YEAR-IV- SEMESTER–VII

Course Code Course Category Course Title Credit Hrs.
ZOF-4191 Major-17 Bioinformatics 3(2+1)
ZOF-4201 Major-18 Introduction to fisheries 3(2+1)
ZOF-XXX Elective-1 Elective 1 3(2+1)
ZOF-XXX Elective-2 Elective 2 3(2+1)
ZOF-XXX Elective-3 Elective 3 3(2+1)
INT-4011 Internship Internship 03
Total Credit Hours 18

List of Elective Courses

Course Code Course Title Credit Hrs.
ZOF-4211 Fin Fish Biology 3(2+1)
ZOF-4221 Shell Fish Biology 3(2+1)
ZOF-4231 Fish Nutrition and Feed Techniques 3(2+1)
ZOF-4241 Hatchery Operation and Management 3(2+1)
ZOF-4251 Introduction to aquaculture 3(2+1)


Course Code Course Category Course Title Credit Hrs.
ZOF-4262 Major-19 Aquaculture System 3 (2+1)
ZOF-4272 Major-20 Fisheries Techniques & methods 3 (2+1)
ZOF-XXX Elective-4 Elective 4 3(2+1)
ZOF-XXX Elective-5 Elective 5 3(2+1)
ZOF-XXX Elective-6 Elective 6 3 (2+1)
CAP-4011 Capstone Project Project 03
Total Credit Hours 18

List of Elective Courses–

Course Code Course Title Credit Hrs.
ZOF-4282 Fisheries Resources & Management 3(2+1)
ZOF-4292 Sea food Processing & Safety 3(2+1)
ZOF-4302 Aquarium Management 3(2+1)
ZOF-4312 Fish Pathology 3(2+1)

Laboratory Sciences and Techniques YEAR-IV- SEMESTER– VII

Course Code Course Category Course Title Credit Hrs.
ZOL-4191 Major 17 Bioinformatics 2+1
ZOL-4201 Major 18 Protozoology 2+1
ZOL—XXX Elective 1 Elective 1 2+1
ZOL—XXX Elective 2 Elective 2 2+1
ZOL-XXX Elective 3 Elective 3 2+1
INT-4011 Internship Internship 03
Total Credit Hours 18

List of Elective Courses

Course Code Course Title Credit Hrs.
ZOL-4211 Helminthology 2+1
ZOL-4221 General Pathology-I 2+1
ZOL -4231 Hematology 2+1
ZOL-4241 Clinical Parasitology 2+1


Course Code Course Category Course Title Credit Hrs.
ZOL -4252 Major 19 Histopathology 2+1
ZOL-4262 Major 20 Lab Biosafety 2+1
ZOL-XXX Elective 4 Elective 4 2+1
ZOL-XXX Elective 5 Elective 5 2+1
ZOL -XXX Elective 6 Elective 6 2+1
CAP-4011 Capstone Project Project 03
Total Credit Hours 18

List of Elective Courses

Course Code Course Title Credit Hrs.
ZOL -4272 Immunology 2+1
ZOL -4282 Zoonotic Diseases 2+1
ZOL-4292 Vector Biology 2+1
ZOL-4302 General Pathology II 2+1


COURSE NO. Course Category TITLE CR. HR.
ZOE-4191- Major 17 Bioinformatics 3(2+1)
ZOE-4201 Major 18 Insect morphology and physiology 3(2+1)
ZOE-XXX Elective 1 Elective 1 3(2+1)
ZOE-XXX Elective 2 Elective 2 3(2+1)
ZOE -XXX Elective 3 Elective 3 3(2+1)
INT-4011 Internship Internship 03
Total Credit Hours 18

List of Elective Courses

Course Code Course Title Credit Hrs.
ZOE-4211 Principles of integrated pest management 2+1
ZOE-4221 Impact of insects on human and animal health 2+1
ZOE-4231 Agricultural and forest entomology 2+1
ZOE-4241 Insecticidal effects on public health 2+1


COURSE NO. Course Category TITLE CR. HR.
ZOE-4252 Major 19 Principles in insect biological control 3(2+1)
ZOE-4262 Major 20 Molecular entomology 3(2+1)
ZOE-XXXX Elective 4 Elective 4 3(2+1)
ZOE-XXXX Elective 5 Elective 5 3(2+1)
ZOE -XXXX Elective 6 Elective 6 3(2+1)
CAP-4011 Capstone Project Project 03
Total Credit Hours 18

List of Elective Courses

Course Code Course Title Credit Hrs.
ZOE-4272 Insect rearing techniques 2+1
ZOE-4282 Environmental & behavioural entomology 2+1
ZOE-4292 Insecticides application with their toxicological effects 2+1
ZOE-4302 Forensic entomology 2+1

Total Credit Hours: 16+15+16+15+18+18+18+18=134

M.Phil Program:

To build concepts of life that exist and which is extinct on Earth and gain in-depth knowledge about the diversity of fauna on the basis of their evolutionary perspective and phylogenetic relationship, leading to strong perspective in Zoology through divergent branches by research and technical mastery in their fields of specializations and explore different organizations related to their respective specializations and academic fields also. The Department has excellent record in research component, particularly, in Ph.D. program. The students of MPhil and Ph.D do research work as a part of the requirements for the fulfillment of the degree. The students are registered for the degree of M.Phil/ Ph.D. under regular M.Phil/ Ph.D. program The training of a graduate at Zoology Department may be compared with a cross road, which leads to pathways to diverse destinations, a Zoology graduate can join and further excel in diverse professions. The graduates have options to adopt the following professions:

a) Teaching in Universities/Colleges/Higher Secondary Schools,
b) Researchers at numerous public/private sector research organizations such as

  1. Pakistan Agriculture Research Council,
  2. Life sciences based institutes of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
  3. National Institute of Oceanography
  4. PCSIR, etc.

c)Researchers-cum-administratorin public/private sector such as Provincial Fisheries Departments, Forest Department, Wildlife Department, Entomology Departments, Health Departments, Livestock Departments and Pest Control industry etc.
Well equipped core and specific research labs are available for M.Phil and Ph.D students at the Department. Core lab facilities include UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Gel Electrophoresis, PCR, Refrigerated Centrifuge, Oil Extraction Assemblies, Rotary Evaporator, Sonicator and Instrumentation i.e., Laminar Flows, Incubators, Microscopes and Autoclave. Department has a small animal house and insectary and an Aquaculture lab for carrying out experimental studies on laboratory insects, rodents and fish. Advance feature in relation to Marine Biology and Fisheries is that now students can develop small mobile laboratory at the site of study for research and practical work. New inventions in the field of Aquaclture have been made at the department in past five years, hence opening new windows for advanced research. A new feature of the facility is maintenance and experimentation on pest management through nanotechnology in IPM.


Compulsory Courses

Course Code Course Title Credits
ZOO-5011/701 Advance Biological Techniques 3(3+0)


Elective Courses

Course Code Course Title Credits
ZOO-5031/703 Fish culture and Management 3(3+0)
ZOO-5051/705 Insect and Integrated Pest Management 3(3+0)
ZOO-5071/707 Conservation Biology of Wildlife 3(3+0)
ZOO-5091/709 Biology of Ornamental Fish and Aquaria Management 3(3+0)
ZOO-5111/711 Environmental Health Policies and Law 3(3+0)
ZOO-5131/713 Marine Living Resources 3(3+0)



Compulsory Courses

Course Code Course Title Credits
ZOO-5022/702 Advances in Biostatistics 3(3+0)


Elective Courses

Course Code Course Title Credits
ZOO-5042/704 Fisheries technologies 3(3+0)
ZOO-5062/706 Advances in Helminthology 3(3+0)
ZOO-5082/708 Environmental issues 3(3+0)
ZOO-5102/710 Fish Processing and Value Addition 3(3+0)
ZOO-5122/712 Wildlife of Pakistan 3(3+0)
ZOO-5142/714 Advances in Behavior and Chemical Ecology of Insects 3(3+0)

M.Phil/ Ph.D Program:

To build concepts of life that exist and which is extinct on Earth and gain in-depth knowledge about the diversity of fauna on the basis of their evolutionary perspective and phylogenetic relationship, leading to strong perspective in Zoology through divergent branches by research and technical mastery in their fields of specializations and explore different organizations related to their respective specializations and academic fields also. The Department has excellent record in research component, particularly, in Ph.D. program. The students of MPhil and Ph.D do research work as a part of the requirements for the fulfillment of the degree. The students are registered for the degree of M.Phil/ Ph.D. under regular M.Phil/ Ph.D. program The training of a graduate at Zoology Department may be compared with a cross road, which leads to pathways to diverse destinations, a Zoology graduate can join and further excel in diverse professions. The graduates have options to adopt the following professions:

a) Teaching in Universities/Colleges/Higher Secondary Schools,
b) Researchers at numerous public/private sector research organizations such as

  1. Pakistan Agriculture Research Council,
  2. Life sciences based institutes of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
  3. National Institute of Oceanography
  4. PCSIR, etc.

c)Researchers-cum-administratorin public/private sector such as Provincial Fisheries Departments, Forest Department, Wildlife Department, Entomology Departments, Health Departments, Livestock Departments and Pest Control industry etc.
Well equipped core and specific research labs are available for M.Phil and Ph.D students at the Department. Core lab facilities include UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Gel Electrophoresis, PCR, Refrigerated Centrifuge, Oil Extraction Assemblies, Rotary Evaporator, Sonicator and Instrumentation i.e., Laminar Flows, Incubators, Microscopes and Autoclave. Department has a small animal house and insectary and an Aquaculture lab for carrying out experimental studies on laboratory insects, rodents and fish. Advance feature in relation to Marine Biology and Fisheries is that now students can develop small mobile laboratory at the site of study for research and practical work. New inventions in the field of Aquaclture have been made at the department in past five years, hence opening new windows for advanced research. A new feature of the facility is maintenance and experimentation on pest management through nanotechnology in IPM.



Course Code Course Title Credits
ZOO-6011/801 Ecosystem Engineering 3+0
ZOO-6031/803 Advances in Ecology 3+0
ZOO-6051/805 Biology of Birds and Mammals of Pakistan 3+0
ZOO-6071/807 Wetland Management 3+0
ZOO-6091/809 Hydrography 3+0
ZOO-6111/811 Environmental Toxicology 3+0
Total Credit Hrs 12



Course Code Course Title Credits
ZOO-6022/802 Teratology 3+0
ZOO-6042/804 Biodiversity of Inland and Terrestrial Molluscs 3+0
ZOO-6062/806 Desert Zoology 3+0
ZOO-6082/808 Air pollution monitoring 3+0
Specialization course for PhD 3+0
Specialization  course for PhD 3+0
Total Credit Hrs 12




Course Code Course Title Credits
ZMZ:6102/810 Advances in Marine Biology 3+0
ZMZ:6122/812 Marine Pollution 3+0
ZMZ:6142/814 Advances Marine Ecology 3+0
ZMZ:6162/816 Coastal zone Management 3+0



Course Code Course Title Credits
ZFA:6102/810 Fisheries and Aquaculture 3+0
ZFA:6122/812 Advances in Aquaculture 3+0
ZFA: 6142/814 Techniques in Fisheries Research 3+0
ZFA:6162/816 Fish breeding and Hatchery Management 3+0
ZFA:8182/818 Fish nutrition and health 3+0



Course Code Course Title Credits
ZEN:6102/810 Agriculture Entomology 3+0
ZEN:6122/812 Veterinary and Medical Importance of Arthropods 3+0
ZEN:6142/814 Advanced insect ecology 3+0



Course Code Course Title Credits
ZLT:6102/810 Applied Parasitology 3+0
ZLT:6122/812 Medical Parasitology



Course Code Course Title Credits
ZWL:6102/810 Restoration Ecology And Sustainable Development 3+0
ZWL:6122/812 Wildlife Management and conservation 3+0
ZWL:6142/814 Biodiversity and Climate Change 3+0
ZWL:6162/816 Geographic information system and Remote sensing (GIS and RS) 3+0