Environmental friendly and cost effective method of formation It is an energy efficient method. It consumes less energy during consumption as compare to conventional methods It involves less toxic chemicals and toxic chemicals are replaced with natural materials thus overall it provides safe material formation.
Friday, 23 February 2024
by Abu Fahar
Description: Dye waste is a global challenge and a great concern to mankind. dye removal from waste is a burning issue and most latest and innovative ideas are still in need. in this work dye from industrial effluent is removed using waste material Socio-Economic Benefits: Environmental friendly, eco friendly, remove pollution, water purification Category: Waste
- Published in Clean Water and Sanitation
Enhancing Freshness: Chitin-Based Coating for Prolonging Perishable Fruit Shelf Life
Friday, 23 February 2024
by Abu Fahar
Description: The project “Enhancing Freshness: Chitin-Based Coating for Prolonging Perishable Fruit Shelf Life” focuses on using chitin-based coatings to extend the shelf life of perishable fruits. Chitin, a natural polymer found in the exoskeletons of crustaceans, has been shown to have antimicrobial properties that can help prevent spoilage and extend the freshness of fruits. By
- Published in Decent Work and Economic Growth
Elemental Air – Air monitoring unit
Friday, 23 February 2024
by Abu Fahar
Description: Air quality has become a critical concern in modern society due to the increasing impact of anthropogenic activities on atmospheric composition. In this chemistry project, we present the design and implementation of an Arduino-based Air Quality Index (AQI) monitoring device employing MQ135 and MQ2 gas sensors. These sensors are specifically chosen for their ability
Eco-Plastics an altenative to synthetic plastic
Friday, 23 February 2024
by Abu Fahar
Description: Eco plastics are legitimate substitute achieved from the kitchen waste used as an alternative for non degradable plastics Socio-Economic Benefits: Eco plastics are legitimate substitute achieved from the kitchen waste used as an alternative for non degradable plastics Category: Bioplastic – Microbial bioplastic, Agricultural material based bioplastic, For packaging, cutlery, lab utensils Department: Biotechnology
- Published in Responsible Consumption and Production
Dye Sensitized Solar Cell
Friday, 23 February 2024
by Abu Fahar
Description: Dye sensitized solar cell would be a good light harvesting channel because of the product of a dye with moderate extinction and a photo anode of high surface area. Energy consumption is increasing yearly all over the world due to the increase in population and demand of energy. The world largely depends on a
Development of Nutraceutical baked tortilla chips by the incorporation of composite flour supplemented with Moringa and Tomato Peel
Friday, 23 February 2024
by Abu Fahar
Description: To 1. Aim of this Research to utilize the Byproduct of Tomato (Tomato Peel) to increase nutritionalprofile of snacks. 2. To provide awareness about the high nutritional value of moringa leaf and tomato peel. 3. To reduce food waste and promote sustainable practice in food industry. 4. To provideappealing color to the snacks in
- Published in Climate Action, Responsible Consumption and Production
Dental Vista
Friday, 23 February 2024
by Abu Fahar
Description: Dental vista is teledentistry application bridging the gap between dental clinic and the technology. This application provides echeckup and update the related dentist and the clinic periodically as dental treatment take many sitting to treat the patient. Not only there will be an option for virtual checkups and the availability of Chatbot but there
- Published in Good Health and Well-being
Description: CropryIOT revolutionizes agriculture with remote monitoring, boosting reliability and profitability for farmers. Our goal is to digitize farming, enabling real-time crop condition checks and growth predictions. This initiative empowers farmers to elevate their businesses efficiently while fostering community growth through new job opportunities. With a user-friendly interface and mobile integration, our system streamlines monitoring
Production of bioplastic from brown sea weeds
Friday, 23 February 2024
by admin
Description: This project aims to utilize brown sea weeds and to extract a polymer known as alginate. The extracted alginate can be turned in to eco friendly bioplastic. Socio-Economic Benefits: Overall the fabrication and manufacturing of bioplastic from sea weeds is cost effective. Category: Bioplastic – Microbial bioplastic, Agricultural material based bioplastic, For packaging, cutlery,
- Published in Climate Action, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Comparative study of precarious outcomes of the industrial effluent on land and its ecology
Friday, 23 February 2024
by Abu Fahar
Description: The discharge of sewage effluents into the environment poses significant risk to various ecological components. This comparative study aims to investigate and evaluate the hazards associated with sewage effluents on these vital components and to understand the potential harmful effects, identifying key pollutants, and assessing their impacts on soil quality, crops, vegetable and fruit